chattahoochee line dance step sheet. Official HD remastered music video for "Chattahoochee" by Alan JacksonListen to Alan Jackson: more Alan Jackson vide. chattahoochee line dance step sheet

Official HD remastered music video for "Chattahoochee" by Alan JacksonListen to Alan Jackson: more Alan Jackson videchattahoochee line dance step sheet Choreographed by Doug Miranda - 32 count, 4 wall

32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: ALL SHE LEFT WAS ME - HARDY. Hop on right, bringing left knee up. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. LINE DANCE " CLOSER " , choreographed by Mary Kelly, danced to " Closer ", sung by Susan Ashton, PLEASE VISIT OUR WESTERN DANCE VIDEO AND COUNTRY MUSIC TOUR. 1-4 Step side right with right foot, cross behind with left foot, step side right with right foot, touch left foot next to right foot 2 KICKS, BACK, TOUCH, STEP, SCUFF 5-6 Kick left foot forward, repeat 7-8 Step down with left foot, touch right foot back 9-10 Step forward with right foot, scuff beside right foot with left foot VINE LEFT Fancy Feet Linedancers - Linedance i Gislaved, Värnamo, Gnosjö Choreographed by: Micaela Svensson Erlandsson, (SWE) Sept 201532 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line danceMusic: "Come Do A Little Life" by Mo Pitney Feb 15, 2021 - Explore sally caffey's board "Line dance step sheets" on Pinterest. 1-2 Step Left foot back, step right foot backAt National FastDance Association (NFA), we offer dancers, social dance clubs, and events discounted prices on ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC music licenses for their dance activities. 1-2 Step forward right, slide left behind right. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles; Links; Contact Us;. I'm on Fire by Beverley Knight (feat. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 135638. i k e 219K views 12 years ago LINE DANCE " CHATTAHOOCHEE " choreographed by Jimmy Serena, danced to " Chattahoochee " sung by Myself ( Alan Cole ) recorded at. CopperKnob - Down Yonder On The Chattahoochee - Brenda Holcomb (USA) & Shirley Blankenship (USA) - September 2014. (floor split with Julia Wetzel’s dance, Sharks) Restart: After 16 cts. O. 1-4 Twist heels right, center, right, center Chattahoochee - Beginner Level Line Dance Tutorial, walk through and dance 4 Wall; 28 Count; No Tags; No RestartsChoreographed by: Jean S KotchaMusic: Chatta. Maybe someday I’ll have my own dance hall. Music: Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson Alternative Music: Third Rock From The Sun by Neal McCoy. Favorites. Just Fly. Jimmy Serena has choreographed 1 dance, which has not been co-choreographed. Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee Tab Subscribe to Plus! Uninterrupted sync with original audio. 37-38 Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left) 39-40 Stomp right together, clap REPEAT OPTION 1: 1-4 Touch right heel forward 4 times & Step right together Skip to main content. Schritt für Schritt zur Musik. 2nd foot steps to the side. SUNDANCE. Start with weight on L foot Note: NO TAGS – NO RESTARTS! [1 – 8] R diagonal stomp, L swivels, L diagonal stomp, R swivels, K-step with claps 1&2& Stomp R fwd into R diagonal (1), swivel L heel towards R foot (&), swivel L toes towards R foot (2), swivel L heel close to R foot (&) 12:00The Electric slide dance is one of the most popular line dances – used at weddings, parties and other social dance events. Choreo by Scotty BilzOld Dominion. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Andrico Yusran (INA), Irene Argoputro (INA) & Yudha Alfattar (INA) - March 2019. Ida Red  – Driggs. Search by Dance title: Dance Title. Choreographed to: Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson (176 bpm, 2:26 min). See more ideas about dance steps, line dancing, dance. Jan 28, 2019 - Line dance videos, line dance instructions and step sheets. 3-4 Step with R heel to R side, Recover L onto L. The vine is part of the dance and continues throughout the dance - beginning the dance. This list is compiled from data collected by multi award winning DJ, Dave Baycroft. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website and may be used for personalization of ads. com's latest Line Dancing DVD - Volume 3 includes six party favorite line dances that are sure to make you a star out on the dance floor at your next big event be. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes, a willing attitude and a smile. Your step sheet is very hard to follow. Hubbard (USA) & Starla Rodgers (USA)Also like or fol. Canadian Stomp. For STEP SHEETS and DESCRIPTIONS of these dances. matt@aol. now continue with count 17 of the main dance! 3:00. Variation: left & right lock. 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Marie-Paule Tremblay (CAN) & Cassandra Roy-Rhéaume - June 2017. Done on balls of both feet, gentle, fluid hip movements, legs bent. Having taught line and couple’s dance for 30 years, Jo holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Dance. The 32 count Cowboy Hip Hop is probably the cutest of the Hip Hops. I Feel BLue Andrico Yusran (INA) - November 2023. 4 Step R beside L. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Andrico Yusran (INA), Irene Argoputro (INA) & Yudha Alfattar (INA) - March 2019 revise ending of dance. Line Dance Step Sheets. 1-3 4 Twist x 2, Heel Hook, Heel Touch, Close Twist heels left. Chattahoochee: unbekannt: Beginner: Standard Line Dance: This Little Light: Jo & Rita Thompson: Wishfull Thinking:. 7&8 step L behind R, step R to right, step L to left. I am aware. Today. She Left Without Him Iris Wolff (DE) - November 2023. Explore. 2. 1-4 Twist heels left, center, left, center 5-6 Step right back at 45 degrees, left together and clap 7-8 Step left back at 45 degrees, right together and clap. Today. 3-4 Rock back right, replace weight onto left. Enjoy! Email: latitudelinedancin@icloud. RIGHT ROCKING CHAIR 1&2 Diagonal Step right bumping hip RLR (end weight forward on right) 3&4 Diagonal step left bumping hip LRL (end weight forward on Left) 5-6 Rock RF Forward. Count In: Dance begins 16 counts from the start of the track, dance begins on vocals. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Darren Mitchell (AUS) - January 2019. Step back left. com. The dance ends with a step back on R turning 1/4 turn. Line dance examples. 64 Count 2 Wall High Improver Line Dance - Gary O'Reilly (IRE) & Maggie Gallagher (UK) - September 2021. Chattahoochee, am Ende des Videos findet ihr den Link zum 1. 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Julia Wetzel (USA) - September 2021. Brooks & Dunn. Chattahoochee Choreograaf : Jimmy Serena Soort Dans : 4 muurs lijn dans Tellen : 28 Info : 180 Bpm – Start op zang. 5-6-7-8Step right toe back, lower right heel, turn left and step left side, hold (9:00) REPEAT. I. Stomp forward on right clicking fingers up to finish facing [12:00]. 40/4 (count/wall) • Beginner (High) by Brandon Zahorsky, Junior Willis, and Jy-Yeong Wu. Dance Instruction. Start again. This square dance video teaches the following plus level square dance calls: Chase Right, Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears, 3/4 Tag the Line. No Trippin (32) Whirl-Y-Reel (96 with "A-B-C" sections) Video. 1-2 Rock forward on R, Recover on L. Clap Happy. 64 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Roy Verdonk (NL), Ira Weisburd (USA) & Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - September 2023. CRAZY POSTMAN – Glynn Holt (UK) COVER ME UP WITH LOVE – David Hoyne (AUS) Grace David ( Kor) COWBOY UP- Barbara Hile – Vicky Hamilton. No-One Like You AB Dee Palmer (USA) - November 2023. 5-6 Step Right foot forward, Slide L foot up together. 3 Touch left heel forward. Oktober 2008 Tukta. Happy Feeet March 12,. Line Dance Arizona June 5, 2023. . 1. 3 Step side left on left foot. Release Date & Language. Galway Girl  – Pchajek. Stepsheets of Line dances and couples dances and videos for popular dances like "Give Me Shivers" and Schottische for couples. Chattahoochee Hustle Step Sheet. Circle to a Line, Bend the Line, All Around your Left Hand Lady, See Saw How To : Square dance the Chase Right, 3/4 Tag the Line. 5-6 Step forward left, slide right behind left. Alan Jackson. Links include line dance clubs, choreographers and instructors in 37 countries, and links to line dance archives (collections of step sheets), organizations, videos, magazines, newsletters, groups, where to dance,. The Hip Hop has 96 counts. A mo. Whether you have learned the basics during an instructional session at your local club or community. London Community Gospel Cho. 3-4 Rock back on R, Recover on L. Kotcha. 25-28. 6 Step right foot next to left. 5-16 Repeat counts 1-4 three more times. Line Dance Step Sheets 1 Sort By Dance Name Song Name Artist Choreographer Date Level WALL @ @ THE HOP! (48) At The Hop Danny & The Jrs (193bpm) Carmel Hutchinson August, 2001 Easy Intermed 4 A A Beautiful Girl It Don't Get Better Than. Tricia Wood provides a Line Dance review of: 16 Step. 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Dawai - Fadhilah Intan : (Album: Air Mata di Ujung Sajadah OST) 64 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Wasting Time (feat. To make it easier to create a dance sheet for a dance, choreographers and line-dancers have come up with names for short sequences of steps – thus instead of saying “step to the side, cross behind, step to the side, step together. revise ending of dance. The Wobble is a simple line dance from rapper V. Choreographer Stepsheet SearchIf you would like to learn all these dances you can find them on Vol 1 of Liz Collett’s very popular Line dancing DVD for seniors series. 5-8 Step. Slap with left hand : 21-22: Right step to right. Watch. 5-6 Cross left over right, step right back. 3 Touch R heel forward. 1 tag during the 7th wall after 16 counts. Author: Karen Knight Created Date: 5/2/2020 8:43:36 PM. Chattahoochee 拍数: 28 墙数: 4 级数: Beginner 编舞者: Jean S. Cowboy Yoddle Song. Login;. ) (THE ABOVE DANCE IS CALLED JERUSALEMA EZ) S. Mark Chesnutt. Vancouver Boogie) BEAT DANCE STEPS 1- 3 Right Grapevine (Sidestep R, Cross L behind, Sidestep R) 4 L heel 45 degrees Left and clap 5- 7 Left Grapevine (Sidestep L, Cross R behind, Sidestep L 8 R heel 45 degrees Right and clap 9 Bring R home and put weight on it 10 Push hips to R; L heel 45 degrees left and clap. 1. Slap Leather / Slappin’. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Alison Johnstone (AUS) - August 2023. Rodney Crowell (124bpm) Kirsi-Marja Vinberg Ultra Beginner 1 A A Complete Change! Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: Footloose by Kenny Loggins [Greatest Hits / Available on iTunes] You will start the dance 32 counts into the start of the music. 23 June 2023 (English Script) Script Stats. Chattahoochee. So Sexy Lilian Lo (HK) - November 2023. 2 Step right foot next to left. Feb 15, 2021 - Explore sally caffey's board "Line dance step sheets" on Pinterest. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. on. . VineRight. They walk forward & backwards and then the vines with 1/4 left turn. A good one for beginners. Quick Sheet: LEFT HEEL TAPS, HOOKS AND SWIVELS. 48 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141306. 18. Notice at collection. Your search for dances is sorted alphabetically and has found more than 1,000 results. . LEFT HEEL TAPS, HOOKS AND SWIVELS 1 Left heel tap forward 2 Left heel hooks in front of right knee 3 Left heel tap forward 4 Left heel beside right 5. LDC Express (56) Video. Thank you to all the great choreographers for the fun Line Dances and to Copperknob for the step sheets. 6. 4 Pause for one beat (clap). 25-26 Step right foot across front of left; hold. "Get in Line")Teacher: Gudrun Schendel Country- &. 7-8 Step left to side, touch right together. & after 32 counts of Wall 6 facing (12:00) ENDING: Dance 64 counts of Wall 7, then unwind ½ R to finish the dance facing (12:. Forward will be denoted as 12:00; Right shall be denoted as 3:00; Back shall be denoted as 6:00; and Left shall be denoted as 9:00. Kotcha 音乐: Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson LEFT HEEL TAPS, HOOKS AND SWIVELS 1 Left heel tap forward 2 Left heel hooks in front of right knee 3 Left heel tap forward 4 Left heel beside right 5 Swivel heels to left 6 Swivel heels back to center 7 Swivel heels to leftLine Dance stepsheet list for dances choreographed to Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee. Slap foot with right hand : 19-20: Left step to left side, Right cross behind left leg. Chattahoochee Hustle Step Sheet. 27 Step right foot to right. 1 Pages Total. It may also be done with two lines facing. gardiner1998@hotmail. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance Music: We Are Tonight by Billy Currington [128 bpm] Intro: 32 . Another great dance from Niels. WALK FORWARD 3X, KICK (CLAP), BACK, TOE, FORWARD, 1/2 TURN. SECTION 1: WALK X3, TOUCH/KICK, B WALK X3, B TOUCH 1-2-3-4 Step RF fwd, Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, Touch or kick LF fwd. The entire dance consists of stepping right, left, and teaches weight changes, a right rocking chair, 1/4 L step turns, and the "Vee" step. See more ideas about dance instruction, line dancing, dance videos. Karl taught this at a workshop we had and it went down a storm. Dance Workout. Music: Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson alt. . Feb 8, 2017 - Tush Push - Music - Chattahoochee - Alan JacksonAs line-dances became more complex, the drawn out diagrams disappeared and were replaced with “step sheets”. Kotcha Music: Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson. 31-32 Step left foot beside right; hold. Step right to right side. Dance Lessons. 19-20 Side right to side, touch together left. JAZZ SQUARE WITH HOLD COUNTS. Chattahoochee48 Count, 4 WallMusik: Chattahoochee von Alan JacksonTanzbeschreibung:. Section 1:. K. Pinterest. Chris is a brilliant choreographer this is a dance that new dancers love when they reach this. . 32 count, 4 wall. 1-2 Touch Left heel forward, Left heel to Right knee. 8. (9 o’clock). Jimmy Serena has choreographed 1 dance, which has not been co-choreographed. V – STEP, SIDE TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH 1-2-3-4 Step R Fwd onto R Diagonal (45 deg), Step L Fwd onto L Diagonal (45deg) Step R Back to Centre, Step L Beside R. Since the 90s, everyone has loved to forget their worries and boogie down to. then restart the dance facing. . 24 May 2023 (English Script) Script Stats. Dance The Night Away. Intro: 32 counts from first beat in music. 7. It compares favorably to “Cha Cha Slide” and “Electric Slide” only that it has contemporary hip-hop elements. Ending: After the last sequence (counts 1-32), you will be facing 9:00. Beginner/Intermediate Level Line Dance Tutorial: Chattahoochee. Line Dance Step Sheets 1 Sort By Dance Name Song Name Artist Choreographer Date Level WALL @ @ THE HOP! (48) At The Hop Danny & The Jrs (193bpm) Carmel Hutchinson August, 2001 Easy Intermed 4. Gloria Estefan & Debbie Harry) - Dolly Parton, Belinda Carlisle & Cyndi Lauper. dancewithira@comcast. By using our website, you agree to our policies. Whats On; Articles; Links; Contact Us; Chattahoochee. Revised on: 4/15/2017. EVERYBODY LET'S DANCE! 25 Step right foot to right side. cross ¼ R, ¼ R into sway RL, ¼ R prep, L full turn back 1 Step R to R side spiralling ¾ L and ending with L hooked. Explore. "Chattahoochee," Alan Jackson. Let’s learn the 16 step! One of my favorite line dances. Brush Right forward. Chattahoochee. Kotcha Music: Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson LEFT HEEL TAPS, HOOKS AND SWIVELS 1 Left heel tap forward 2 Left heel hooks in front of right knee 3 Left heel tap forward 4 Left heel beside right 5 Swivel heels to left 6 Swivel heels back to center 7 Swivel heels to left Address: -. Restart: On Wall 3 facing 6. 1,2,3&4 Step fwd R, pivot ¼ left weight L, kick R fwd, step back on ball of R, step fwd L. 3. 32 Count 4 Wall Débutant + Music: Chattahochee - Alan Jackson. With music Instagram: Choreographer: Jamie Marshall, music: Wagon Wheel. You’ll end up facing 12:00 and then just stomp left, right, left on the lyrics “tequila no more” to end the dance. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. Line dance weekdays: country edition (8/8)Step by step instructional tutorial for a version of “Chattahoocee”. 2 (The) Kickin' Up Dust Kill the Spiders. MAMBO. Kotcha. . Intro: 64 (start on vocals) [1-8] RIGHT SUGAR FOOT, STEP, HOLD, LEFT ROCKING CHAIR. Email Peggy. 5. King of the Road Pg. Pinterest. Isle of Paradise. Chattahoochee48 Count, 4 WallMusik: Chattahoochee von Alan JacksonTanzbeschreibung: is a fun, fast two wall line dance done to the song Chatahoochee by Alan Jackson. Ex: 1-4 Step R to right, step L next to R, step R back, hold 5-8 Step L to left, step R next to L, step L forward, hold RUN RUN RUN 3 quick steps forward. 33-36 Vine left forward at 45 degrees, slap right with left hand. WATCH THE VIDEO ON ANNEMAREE SLEETH YOUTUBE. 동영상만 보고 동작을 따라하는것 보다. 3&4 Step right to side, step left together, turn ¼ right and step right forward. Search by Dance title: Dance Title Choreographer Song and Artist Level Date. Artist: Sheryl Crow Level: Intermediate Plus Genre: Pop Keywords: Line Dance. 32 Count 1 Wall Ultra Beginner Music: Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus. REPEAT. 5-6-7-8. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Cha Cha Line Dance - Dee Musk (UK) - February 2011. For fun clap your hands with the touches on the angle steps VINE (RIGHT), VINE (LEFT) 1-4 Vine right, touch left together 5-8 Vine left, touch. 1 + 1 - Improver/Jam - click here for video; 1-2-3-4 - Beginner - click here for video8 Step left toe down. Caught In The Act. This way I can have a split floor with everyone. E Dance : The Picnic Polka : The Right To Remain Silent : The Shadow : The Shoebox : The Smooth : The Story Of My Life : The Trail : There's a Reason : These Old Boots : They Walk The Line : This And That : This Is Me : Ticket to the blues : Tiptoe Round Feb 15, 2021 - Explore sally caffey's board "Line dance step sheets" on Pinterest. 1-2 Tap left heel forward, hook left heel in front of right knee. Count in: 32 (start on lyrics) NOTES: This is a split for the fab improver dance called Ride Away by Robbie McGowan Hickie. 1&2 left toe – heel – stomp. Point the toe of your right foot to the right side. 5678- Point Left to Left side, touch Left to Right, touch Left to. . See more ideas about dance steps, line dancing, dance. Its a Heartache. One of the most comprehensive lists of Line Dances. See more ideas about dance steps, line dancing, dance. These Step leaves will help you lern a particular Line Dance i wish to dance. 1 Left heel tap forward. Lainey Wilson. Last Update - 7 June 2022. Dance Workout. King of the Road Pg. Social Distancing Line Dancing. This dance will be the one I will teach to them. Script Views 807 | Downloads 55. ’s 2008 “Wobble” song. net. Tush Push [Chattahoochee] Turn To Me Tuscon Too Late Twist & Turns [Tomorrow Never Comes] Twisting The Night Away. Line dance clip art and photos. All unsere erlernten Line Dance Tänze, welche wir in den Kursen gelernt haben werden archiviert. The Line Dance Ain’t Too Cool is to the song by LunchMoneyLewis. 7-8 Step left to side, touch right together. Music: Alright - Elliott Yamin. 9 Percent Sure Trevor DeWitt: Brian McComas: Intermediate Plus: Country: Line Dance: 2019-Jan-15: A Change Would Do You Good Darl Moreland: Sheryl Crow: Intermediate Plus: Pop: Line Dance: 2019-Jan-15: A Little Less Conversation Bob Travis: Elvis Presley: Intermediate: Pop: Line Dance: 2019-Jan-15: A. 26 Step left foot behind right foot. Check out all of our free country dancing tutorials on our channel @redneckeder. 3-4 Step R to side, kick L across. Intro : Start after 64 counts [1 – 8] Step fwd, Point x2, Shuffle fwd (option: Shuffle ½ Turn L x2) 1 – 2 Step R fwd, Touch L to L side. The text within the square brackets [ ] is the name of the song where different to the name of the dance, or information for multiple dances with the same name. 3-4. Everybody Twists (Circle Dance) LeaNeo Scalewings (NZ) - August 2019 32 Count 1 Wall Absolute Beginner Music: 5,6,7,8 - Steps My 5678 Mayee Lee (MY) - August 201832 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Line Dance - Tom Inge Soenju (NOR) - February 2023. “Wobble” by V. E Dance : The Picnic Polka : The Right To Remain Silent : The Shadow : The Shoebox : The Smooth : The Story Of My Life : The Trail : There's a Reason : These Old Boots : They Walk The Line : This And That : This Is Me : Ticket to the blues : Tiptoe RoundFeb 15, 2021 - Explore sally caffey's board "Line dance step sheets" on Pinterest. BPM: 175. Click on dance name for step sheet of that dance. Song recommendation: "Sin Wagon" by the Dixie Chicks. Line Dance Stepsheet Created Date: 5/6/2022 12:57:29 PM. STROLL ALONG CHA CHA is a classic traditional line dance. 56 Count 2 Wall Low Intermediate Music: Gonna Be You (feat. OPTION 1: 1-4 Touch right heel forward 4 times & Step right together 5-8 Touch left heel forward 4 times & Step left together OPTION 2: Touch right heel forward Touch right. Title Chattahoochee (SF) Author: Silver FoxChoreographed by: Pat Stott (Jan 2019)32 count - 4 wall - High Beginner level line danceMusic: "Codigo" by George StraitChattahoochee - Alan Jackson. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141368. Repeat steps 1-4 as many times as you want. Enjoy The Dance Contact: [email protected] you get started learning how to line dance, the most important aspect is figuring out steps. Music info. 00. Choreographer Stepsheet Search The Hill Dance : The Last Living Cowboy : The L. Step right making ¼ turn right. SCCL. Genre: Country. i agree. You can view them and print them if you want and put them in your binder of Line Dances. &2 Step left to side, touch right heel forward. 7 – 8 Step forward on Left. Jambalaya. Dance Instructions. CRY TO ME 2 – Lesley Clark ( SCO), Mark Wuyts (Bel) DANCE BY MY SIDE – Vicky hamilton. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles; Links;. Kotcha Music: Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson. Choreographed by: Vikki Morris (UK) & Julie Lockton (ES) Jan 201632 count - 4 wall - Improver level line danceMusic: "Love Trip" by Jerry Kilgore 33&34 Step left forward, step right together, step left forward 35-36 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left) RIGHT FORWARD, ¼ TURN LEFT, STOMP, AND CLAP. LineDance and video for CHATTAHOOCHEE. If I Can't Dance (I'll Go Crazy) Irish Waltz. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Francien Sittrop (NL) - January 2012. Full Playlist: these Line Dance lessons !!! Check out the official app Count 2 Wall Improver Line Dance - Colin Ghys (BEL), Alison Johnstone (AUS) & The Zezura Shona People - July 2020. Kansas City by Fats Domino. Having taught line and couple’s dance for 30 years, Jo holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Dance. Teach first, then. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus. My Tabs. CROSS R OVER L, STEP L TO SIDE, MOVING DIAGONALLY FWD LEFT. 5-6 Rock back on right foot Recover on to left foot. Vor kurzem hinzugefügt Line Dance Stepsheets. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Intermediate Line Dance - Gloria Hughes (UK) - March 2011. During your 5th A you restart the dance after 16 counts facing 12:00. 5-8 Repeat 1-4, either in the same or opposite direction. 17&18 Left shuffle forward (left-right-left) 19&20 Right shuffle forward (right-left-right) 21 Step left on left. Put basically, there’s a step for each beat in 4/4 time (four steps over four music beats). Bosa Nova - Line DanceBosa NovaCount: 64 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner / Intermediate rumbaChoreographer: Phil DenningtonMusic: Blame It On The Bossa Nova by Jane. [8] 6. Line dancing for beginners! This is the classic Watermelon Crawl line dance. Videos on Copperknob: 26. Phone: -. 32 Count 2 Wand Intermediate Musik: Deer Blind - Brett Kissel. a. Official HD remastered music video for "Chattahoochee" by Alan JacksonListen to Alan Jackson: more Alan Jackson vide. Contact: nathan. Choreographer: Jean S. Chatahoochee Chatahoochee Count: 28 Wall: 4 Choreographer: Jimmy Serena Music: Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson Level: Intermediate GRAPEVINE RIGHT WITH 1⁄4. 7. It Hurts. [9-16] Paddle ½ turn, Side step, L rock back recover side, R rock back recover side 1-4 Point R to R side, ¼ turn L point R to R side, ¼ turn L. Line Dance Songs by BPM. Celtic Kittens. Hieronder volgt een lijst met de sheets, klik op de naam van de dans en de sheet zal openen in een apart venster. 2001 - The BC Coaster (52) Video. Learn how to line dance - The Electric Slide line dance instruction. Chattahoochee (Vers. 4 Raise right heel. 5. You can view them and print them if you want and put them in your binder. Country Line Dancing. 14 April 2019 (English Script) Script Stats. Chattahoochee Choreograaf : Jimmy Serena Soort Dans : 4 wall line dance Niveau : Beginner Tellen : 28 Info : 180 Bpm Muziek : "Chattahoochee" by Alan Jackson CD: A Lot About Livin' Bron : Left Heel, Hook, Heel, Together, Swivel Left. Tabs. Take four side steps to the left while spinning your body. Kotcha. com. You will be facing the front in Section 4. For tutorial video click on: Copperhead RoadChoreographer: UnknownFor educational purposes only, we do not own the rights. This disco dance has worked its way onto dance floors in disco clubs and. 08. Twist heels to centre Twist heels left.